Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Trying this all over again! Thing 1 and Thing 2

Ok! I've started 23 things a year ago, last spring, and due to a very sick daughter, I never finished. So...I am back again, rejuvenated, daughter is much better, my head is up above the clouds-here I go! Having had a year to reflect, I am all the more excited to revisit, learn and reflect on all of the great 2.o tools we will be learning about and using. An English teacher in my building had each of his students create a blog. What do you know-they did so much writing, reading and ENJOYING the written word that they hardly knew they were busy composing and learning. As an Art teacher, I had thought of using a blog strictly from my perspective, a dissemination of material....BUT hold on...how about my students creating their own blog so that they can talk about art, share their perspectives, discoveries....Oh! I am so excited, I may just wish my summer away! EEK! (Did everyone else immediately think of Dr. Seuss when reading your posting's title?) And finally, I do have to realize that what is written is read by public, that a posting is not a private thought or personal letter heading out to one....Hence the reason I also have trouble understanding Facebook.

1 comment:

RESA 23Things said...

We're glad you're back and with such enthusiasm! This should be a lot of fun for you.