Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thing 9-YouTube

Subtitled "What do you mean School starts tomorrow?". Ok, I think that I mentioned recently how I spent untold hours playing, searching, uploading in Frickr. Well, I just spent umpteen more hours in YouTube. First it was "American's Got Talent"-which led to "Britain's Got Talent", which somehow led to Puccini and Italian Operas, Pavarati, Madam get my drift. When I "came to" I segwayed to Rufus Wainwright, and somehow Woodstock. I slapped myself to get on track and I started watching art lessons-specifically, drawing, painting and PhotoShop. What was the origional question to this Thing? Oh yeah, can we perceive some use for YouTube et al; and is YouTube blocked in our school? As to question #1-it would be great to be able to upload specific videos for my students, or to be able to burn them to disk, but-(question #2)- my school like so many others block our access to video sites. Could it be that in their infinate wisdom (or personal experience) they forsee students getting sucked down the preverbial garden path, never to return to attentiveness-until released by the bell? Well, I wish teachers at least has access so that we could control our student's involvement here and be able to take advantage of these great tools! (If only we could learn some self-control first!)

1 comment:

RESA 23Things said...

It's a good thing it summer ... :-)