Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thing 21-Wikis!

Wow, I remember how much I was enthralled with Wikis when I started these 23 Things last year (I do seem to remember the program was a more overwhelming experience then-how much has changed?). I found a few really amazing Wikis-all based on 2.0 tools, applications, tutorials and links. Just having these Wikis bookmarked will help immensely. "Educational Software and Web 2.0" had so much information, tutorials and links that I could spend the rest of the summer exploring every thing that was included on this site. The designer-Suzie Vesper has done an amazing job. She has inspired me to try and find my weak, original Wiki (more of a sicky ...) and try to refocus its objectives and to better incorporate some really neat applications and gadgets. My objective was and is to create a Wiki in which art educations can describe best lessons, the tricks and techniques of classroom management, lab set-up and break down, time saving tricks to ordering and inventorying materials...The difficulty in teaching art is having to discover all of this on your own, and its never-ending. My difficulty here in all of this is time. If I could get this adequately started and be proud of its appearance and purpose, then I could introduce it to a huge blog "Art Education 2.0". These teachers would take it and run with it! It would be a marvel to behold! Now..as Dory said it Finding Nemo..."Just keep swimming...."


RESA 23Things said...

It's interesting to hear you say, "I do seem to remember the program was a more overwhelming experience..." Not much has changed at all with the program - maybe just being exposed to it before and having a concept of what it's all about makes it easier for you. Relearning happens to be my favorite way of learning. :-)

Marybeth said...

I love that you quote Dori in this entry! That is my teaching motto, "Just keep swimming!" Thanks for lots of interesting insights!