Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thing 7-FLICKR-more....

Again, hours of my life, gone, never to be revisited! Ahhh Flickr! Well, I greatly enjoyed looking at everyone's uploaded photos. It did not go unnoticed that many of you have had fun thus far this summer. Many vacation photos...are my lamenting sobs going unheard? Well, back to my ruminations on Flickr. I require my art students to either bring in actual photos (even judging the authenticity of an actual photo is getting very tricky), or post address to adopted photo, before I let them use somone else's work in their own digital art work. I go over Copyright, Karma, and what ever means I can to instill the ethics of using another person's creation. We discuss how one can assimilate and be inspired by another's art, and how that inspiration must act as a "jumping off point" to then create from their own "voice". I work very hard at coming up with creative problems that require specific formats, techniques, juxtapositions...to overcome as much of this misappropriation as I can. (For anyone interested, please visit some of my student's art at: Artsonia.com, Lee M. Thurston High School, Redford, MI.) :)

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