Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fun with Flickr...

I really loved the Spell with Flickr-but could not figure out how to save the image to be able to use it in blog, on Powerpoint, in handouts....What is the trick? And, in the midst of teaching a Printmaking/Commercial art class, Spell with Flickr so amazingly addresses Typography, Advertising, use of color, shape, size, layout...with lettering. So, back to the original question--how do you get the words created there into any other format? Flickr montage was great, a bit limiting, but cool, and I really liked the color picker, but am still trying to figure out ways to use it in class as a resourse, other than, wow, that's a cool trick. The Flickr-Kaleidoscope software trick was also very cool, since this year for the first time, I've introduced Kaleidoscopes and Mandalas. Kids are doing nice work, but next year I want this to be more impactful, and personal, so I will be looking quite closely at all aspects of how I present this unit and its connection to the spiritual, cultural, historical significance. If I can figure out the Flickr-Kaleidoscope program it would be neat to save work digitally in Flickr and be able to have students create moving effects.

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