EEK! I am failing behind! I did so enjoy playing and exploring with the Image generators -especially BigHugeLabs! The site was easier for me to move through. ImageGenerator.org seemed to have so many pop-ups, and was so cross-indexed that I found myself easily getting lost or far afield. After much play, I created a great list of creative problem solving projects for my Advanced Printmaking class. This list will be a jumping off point for them in selecting a project to complete that will take the place of a written final exam. (Better to have a work of art to add to a portfolio, more experience in creating visual documents, and less tedium for me!)
I've attached an art-trading card that I easily made on BigHugeLabs. The idea of making trading cards based on famous or contemporary printmakers is one of the choices my students will have for their final project. They can create 20 cards based on famous printmakers in history, or 10 cards based on contemporary, regional new artists. I got so excited about all of the need Ideas, I created a list of over 10 projects for student perusal. They can also generate ideas, and run them by me for my approval. Very Cool for enrichment. (I did point out that students' art could not be simple stealing of site templates, but create own work from these ideas.)
BRILLIANTLY AWEsome idea to use the trading card concept for that printmaking final exam choice!!!! If you don't mind my pilferage :-) I'm going to offer it as a final exam alternative to the final exam portfolio assemblage already given to my printmakers this semester... I have a feeling that there will be ALOT of takers!!! Thank you!!!!
Trading cards, I love that idea! I teach art, too. I am teaching drawing/painting and ceramics/sculpture in the middle school and Art I in the high school. You can use trading cards at any level, and if you have them make them throughout the year, they can use them to study for a final if you choose to have a written one.
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