Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reflection on "Thing 2"

AHHH!What have I gotten myself into? I am still super excited about what I am going to learn and how I can approach teaching after I know all of this too cool stuff, but now that I know blogs exist and know that there are sites strictly dedicated to blogs, bloggers and the like...(like the very cool one that popped up on Google, when I registered this site) how will I possibly be a participate in the real world when my focus is being narrowed down to the computer desktop? (Do I see an "addiction" in the making?) I already get so sucked into the design of new curriculum, building units, creating visuals, power point presentations, writing handouts, creating web libraries...I now discover what I know will be a wonderful teaching tool, if only I can get past what seems to be the enticing, dare I say, decadent barrage of the literary and visual panacea of information found in the world of blogs? Tonight I am saved by the clock-bedtime for those of us who rise at 5 a.m. What ever became of the very credible evidence that found high schools should start later, elementary schools earlier, due to the natural body rhythms and internal clock of the adolescent child?

1 comment:

RESA 23Things said...

Haha! Maybe your blog can be a forum to advocate for the later start time!

Great blog... well done!