Now we're talking! From an art teacher's perspective how can any of the other 23Thinks compare to online photo storage and libraries? Need I digress? From the stand point of teaching visual arts and visual literacy-what better tools for understanding technique such as composition, balance, high and low key value enduring understandings such as pain, comfort, home, self....I mean, paintings, drawings, stitchery...Flickr has images of so many media-not just photos! Wow!
Now from the point of view of someone moving from the 20th century, how do our students (and own children), ever get homework done? I am beginning to understand how they fill their lives with hour after hour perusing MySpace, FaceBook, PhotoBucket and Flickr. To all you Language Arts teachers out there, I feel your pain. Do students actually read novels and textbooks anymore?
And as for my personal family photos, collecting dust in worn albums-perhaps on days too sweltering to exist outside this summer, I can start scanning in loved images for safe keeping!
Just coming up for air--
1 comment:
Great post. Imagine all the art resources available online these days. Flickr is a great source of images... makes me wish I took a photography class at some point, though!
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