Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reflecting on RSS

so much for "real simple syndication". I'm still getting lost creating new posts! I am hopeful and optimistic that this will start to come easier to me, but presently, I have 5 window screens open so that I can juggle directions, blogs, bloglines, passwords....I know I am doing things seriously backward-any advise?


IcanDrawStickMen,StrtLinesW/aRulerANDblogART said...

boyOHboyOHboyOHboy!!! can I relate to THIS one!!! the angst I'm experiencing getting through the RSS set-up!! Undoubtedly it has alot to do with the fact that my home computer sorta crashed last weekend (but luckily the tech teacher was able to retrieve all my files before the week was over...) and of course, school computers/filters wont' permit me working on this there... so pressure is building as I face 20 more Things to accomplish and realize more and more that each Thing actually means 6 or eleventy Things... I am physically dizzy from winding my way through this RSS stuff!!!
I found your generous note waiting at one of my postings this morning - and please know that I truly look forward to the comaraderie and insight from someone who reallllly "gets it" about this teaching art stuff. Thanks for putting a smile on my stressed-out face today :-)

artroom goddess said...

My dilemma (as if I only have one...) is that I work my way through the directions so that on the following day, I don't remember where to find the "Thing" I just subscribed to, and if I do find it, how do I use it again? AHHHH!